lunedì 21 maggio 2012
In support of OA: send a message to the Whitehouse has launched!

Reviews of Digital Scholarship Publications
lunedì 14 maggio 2012
Amazon, selfpublishing, ebook and publishers

JISC: Public sector saves £28,6 million through OA
Public sector saves £28 million through open access, but much greater rewards to come, says report
The public authorities have already saved 28.6 million pounds (35 million euro) through OA.
The public authorities have already saved 28.6 million pounds (35 million euro) through OA.
Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories by OCLC
OCLC Research has released a new Report: Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories, written by Senior Program Officer Ricky Erway. The report dated 11 May " intended to help librarians support researchers in accessing and disseminating research information. The report includes profiles of seven repositories with a focus on their varied business models. It concludes with a discussion of sustainability, including funding models, factors that contribute to a repository's success, and ways to bring in additional revenue."
Repository PORTO
From May 13th, on PORTO (Publications Open Repository TOrino) the scientific papers produced by the academic community of the Politecnico di Torino will begin to be accessible online.
The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture
COMMUNIA Final Report
"This Public Report was undertaken to ... investigate the state of the digital public domain in Europe; and ... recommend policy strategies for enhancing a healthy public domain and making digital content in Europe more accessible and usable."
COMMUNIA Final Report
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